Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Back from the campaign trail

Feels good to be back to blogging. I spent 3 months of insane volunteer work for Obama campaign in NM. Registered over 200 new voters, knocked on more than 3000 doors, made 6000 phone calls, went to 3 Barak Obama rallies, 1 Michelle Obama rally, and many more fun things..... Let me share some of the photos.

Rio Grande High School
Left my house at 7 am to help with Barack Obama Town Hall event at Rio Grande High School, a 35 minute drive from my house down in the heavily Hispanic South Valley. Picked up Gina (in blue) and Donovan (dread locks). Obama was scheduled to speak at 1:00 PM. By 10:30 AM long lines of supporters were formed waiting for the doors to open. My team was there to take tickets. It was tough standing for 6-7 hours. I got back to my house at about 6:00 PM. Was it worth it? Yeah. Obama showed up with hundreds of supporters cheering him on. Included were some Democratic big-hitters, Gov. Bill Richardson and Senate candidate Tom Udall. Volunteer work at rallies is mainly standing LONG hours and keeping people in line.

Around the Obama Campaign Office.

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